1. Get ideas from your audience
Create blog posts that answer the most interesting questions from people you engage with on social media.
2. Understand your audience
Understand your audience better than they understand themselves.
3. Write for yourself first
Write for yourself first & foremost. Ignore the fact that anyone
else will read what you write; just focus on your thoughts, ideas,
opinions and figure out how to put those into words.
4. Love your existing readers
Love the readers you already have. A lot of bloggers get quite obsessed
with finding new readers – to the point that they ignore the ones they
already have.
5. Be consistent
Consistency is one of the most important things that bloggers tend to
forget. It’s much easier to lose your traffic than it is to build it up,
so make sure you consistently blog.
6. Give away your knowledge
Don’t be afraid to showcase what you know. Too many bloggers hold back
the good stuff out of fear of giving away the “secret sauce.”
7. Be Yourself
By being yourself, you will enjoyed writing and the process more.
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